Sunday, February 9, 2014

Whendo you get forgiven? And whe do you give up and be okay with your family that has walk away from you.

So as of right now I am without restraining orders to block me from my parents and my daughter. I have reached to both my parents and my daughter to no avail. Infact I have been 'blocked" and not acknowledged.
And I have recently found out that there is an active smear tatic that is being spread through 'professional" business courtesy of a twin sister.
And I have to sit back and keep quite for the "sake" of being the better person.

Which is BULLSHIT.

I am clean and sober. I have sent my sister a test asking for forgiveness. I have texted my Dad asking for forgiveness. I have tried to reach out to my daughter through TWITTER. She blocked me.

I have admitted to my mistakes. I don't even think 'mistake" is a big enough word to describe how I let my daughter and my Mom and Dad down.

But when does forgiveness start.

Want to know what is the most IRONIC thing in the world? My Dad always taught me that you can only say "I am sorry" once.
What "they" do with rest is up to them.

I swear there is not a night that goes by that I do not cry for my daughter that I lost.

You have no idea the pain that I carry. I miss my Dad. I miss his wisdom. I miss just being a daughter and a mother and a sister.

I often wonder what my identity is now. I am not asking for pity.
I am just trying to give a true spin on how far addiction reaches. And the people that you loose. Not through death but through the pure selfishness of the drug abuser.

You can never replace family in your life.
I truly feel lost. There are times where I wonder why I got sober if I was going to loose what was most important to me.

I always have to remember that I am sober FOR MYSELF. And I am told that rest will come in time.

I don't know if I believe this. I am so scared that I will not be apart of my daughters high school graduation ( Oliver Ames!!!) or her 18th birthday.

The ache is a pain that NEVER goes away. The  thought that I no longer exist in a truly fabulous family is a pain that I physically feel.

But Like my Dad always told me: You can only say you are sorry once".

I have done that. I have said that I am sorry through text to the family that I wish to forgive me.
I heard nothing.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Miss my Mom's Hugs.

Well If you follow me. Which most do not. You have read the comment that my little sister wrote in response to that post. I could write a whole blog about how she was really my first "baby.' But that is for another time. Maybe never as I seem to think that she does not want to or try to remember that at one time I was a good person.
I found a picture from my wedding in August of 2007. My Mom was putting her arms around me.
I cannot tell you how many times I have cried, wanting to feel her arms envelope me and tell me that everything was going to be ok.
And of course it would. My Mom was super hero. She fought every fight. And I let her down in so many ways. She fought for me and I repaid her by becoming addicted to prescription  pain killers.
She was my mother. Fought tooth and nail for me and I still fucked her over.
I was a "blue" baby when I was born. 6 weeks early and deprives oxygen when I was born. and sometimes I think I would have saved my family a lot of heartache if I had just past on .
And yet I didn't. And I have been told that my time here ( on earth) is not done. That I have not completed what I have been put here to do. And Yet I wonder. Am I put here on earth just to cause my loved ones misery? And if so? Why would I want that path?

I have to believe that I am here for something bigger and maybe when I am worthy , I can feel my Mom's arm around me again and if I am lucky, I will hear that she loves me regardless of my fuck ups.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

So here we are. Its January 12,2014. I welcome the new year.
Yesterday I went to court and found out that the restraining order that my parents had against me ( that also stopped me from having ANY contact with my daughter) has been dropped.
My first thought was : relief.
My second thought was: How does this work. How do we repair our family relationships?
How do I try to fix things with my daughter?
I cried most of Friday night. Not only was it a weight off my shoulders but the fact that legally we could speak to each other and yet I think both parties have no idea how to start over.
Its been a year. There is so much hurt that I have. And yet I miss my Mom and Dad and most of all my daughter.
But I feel like I am up against a machine that I cannot beat. Not once did the siblings that did not have a restraining order against EVER in one year ask how I was.
I can't help thinking that if they wanted me to be sober and be able to regain custody of my daughter, why would they not ask me how I was doing. Or ask what they could do to help.
I read my sisters blog today and said that her new word for 2014 was embrace.
I am going to try and do the same thing. I am going to embrace that I have overcome addiction.
I am going to embrace that I have friends that have become my family in absent of .
I am going to embrace that whatever will be , will be.
I am going to embrace the hope that I have my daughter back in my life.
I am going to embrace that against all odds, I did the best I could as a single parent.
I am going to embrace that even though there is anger on both sides, that I love my parents and my daughter.
I am going to embrace 2014.
A, I am sorry that I took your word but you are so right in your blog.
Happy 2014.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy NewYear 2014

I didn't think that a lot of people read this blog when a friend just asked me why she hadn't seen any recent blogs from me.
That is a good question. There are still people out there that would love to see me fail more then anything else. And it scared me. So I stopped. Kept my mouth shut and worked on some goals that I had set for myself.
And now its January. Last year in this month was when the term "hard love" took a new meaning.
I understand it. I get it. They thought what they were doing was right. Maybe it was , maybe it wasn't. Who can judge anyways?
What matters is that I came out of it stronger in mind and person. My husband and I both came out of it stronger in marriage. If anything , this year (2013) showed me that my husband is my best friend. He stood by through thick and thin , when I fell ,he picked me up. When I continued to fail at sobriety , he did not turn his back on me. He did not give up. He held my hand and walked me with  through every scary , emotional thing that I had to face in order to BE sober.
And its not over. I had an addiction, I have an addiction. Anytime I ever need surgery or dental work I will have to tell them that I have addiction to pain medication. And I use to think that I would be ashamed to have to admit that. But then the shame would be if I DID'NT admit it. You can't change what you do not acknowledge.
I don't have any predictions on how this story will end. I can't change what people think of me and I can't control how they feel either. I just have to know that I hit rock bottom. And I got up and climb out of it a better, stronger, and happier person.
And I am going to be ok. ~ Darcy

Saturday, August 24, 2013

You Can Only Say Your Sorry Once.

My Dad always told us that you can only say that you are sorry once.
But how does that make up for all the hurt that you have caused?

But then, how do you go back in time and redo? Wouldn't  it be great if all of us got a redo? Or may be like that game show...You could get a life-line.

I guess I would have already used all my life-lines up.
I use to think that I was a horrible person. That I wasn't worth love or respect. But I am learning different.
But that does not take the pain away from the ones that I hurt. I think that they will never forgive me. That they will always hold me to past and never see the changes that I may have made for the better. I think that to them I will always be a disappointment.
I think that I could win the Nobel prize and I would still be to them a let down. The funny thing is that I have never set out to hurt anyone intentionally. I hurt them unintentionally.
In my heart I believe that I am not a mean person. I know that some would say different.
But I am trying in vain to right the wrongs and be a better person.
But I don't think it will ever be enough.
So here it goes: Like my Dad always said, you can only say it once.

I am so sorry.

Friday, August 23, 2013

I wish I got a do over

I wish in life that you got a do-over. You know like that game show that you get a life-line or you get to call a friend?
I wish that was real life.
How do you start over when you have screwed things up to the point that you are black -listed?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Did I finally find the light at the end of the tunnel?

So I am sure that most of you know that I went through a prescription pill addiction.
It started in November of 2010 when I fell 10 feet off a roof onto a deck.
 I wounded breaking my back, my pelvis and dislocated my left elbow.
I can honestly tell you that breaking your pelvis is the possibly the worst pain you will ever go through.
There is nothing you can do for a broken pelvis. Your pelvis is pretty much the anchor of your skeleton. The only thing that you can do is be on bed rest for at least six weeks and of course take your oxytocin every four hours.
Needless to say I got addicted to pain pills for the next two years. I would go to different doctors and complain of different pains to get my scripts.
In all honestly during that time I reasoned out that I was not addicted. I was not a drug addict. Drug addicts went to the street, sold whatever they could to get their "high". I was okay because I had scripts from legitimate doctors.
That meant that I needed them right? I was an addict..... There was a health concern and doctors decided that I needed these pain scripts.

I was so so so wrong. I was an addict. I was taking at east 30 pills a day just to get through. When I would come down from the "high" I would see things that no-one else would. Bugs, spiders.
It was awful.
And I lost so much. My daughter was taken from me ( although that is a different story with a lot of lies coming from the other side) ..I lost my job. My family had had enough of me. I lied, I said things that I don't even remember because I was so chemical influenced.
From 2011 through 2012 my life was hell. I was at the bottom of a very deep hole with no way of how to get myself out.
But slowly and surely I did with the help of my wonderful husband, Chris. I was once told that I was unlovable but now I know that I am loveable. Chris has been the only one that has stood by me through thick and thin. He has never turned his back or walked away from me. To me that is true love.
I still have battles to face. My parents took a restraining order out against me in January because of a Christmas incident. I texted my Father a few time and that was of course a violation of the restraining order and then I walked into the place that my sister worked. She lied on the police report on what took place but I was in violation for walking into her place of work. To my defense, I had no idea that she took a one year restraining order out on me. And she really had no need to do so. I really don't want to have to deal with her ever again. But that is beside the point.
I am in counseling and I am learning that just because I had an addiction does not mean that other people have the right to treat like shit.
I will never be able to say I am sorry enough to undo the hurt that I caused but I also cannot keep myself frozen in time. I need to make steps to make my future a positive one. My on regret is my daughter. She has a lot of people telling her how horrible I am and how I do not deserve to be her mother.
That might have been true while I was under the influence of drugs. But I never stopped loving her. And I never will.
In counseling I have learn that your past does not dictate your future, and I am working hard to make sure that is true.
I just got a job and I am starting school in September. I am slowly figuring out that I am a person who is worth respect. I deserve to be treated well and I need to learn to not always to play the victim.
I know I still have a long road ahead of me, but I have gotten this far and there is NO WAY that I am going to give up now.
I will say that I miss my daughter. There is not a night that goes by that I do not cry for her and I hope someday that we reconnect.
Let me leave you with this: Everything you do is a choice. You are not perfect, so don't think that you will always make the "right" choice. My advice to you? Make the choice that is best for you. Do not make a choice based on what other people tell you. You know that little voice in your head? Listen. He/She is usually right! " To my daughter: I love you to the Moon and back and forever and beyond.