So my normal Saturday morning goes as followed. Coffee, Shower, Dress and then Target.
I refuse to shop at Walmart for a variety of political reasons and well, I just like Target better.
I usually hit the Target in Taunton but headed to the one in Easton hoping that they had a different selection.
So off I went. And I had a lot on my mind. I was thinking that this might not be the best idea as odds of running into a family member was pretty high, but thinking that I might get a glimpse of my daughter overweighed the negative that I would sure to face.
But it didn't happen. I didn't run into a family member. What I ran into took by surprise.
I ran into an old school mate. I say mate because we were never friends.
But she did do me a favor about 5 years ago and got me an interview with her Aunts 's company. I did get the job. And I loved it.
About a month into the job I found out that this person and my twin sister were exchanging e-mails with each others about me. Horrible, mean cut throat e-mails about my life, my husband, the fact that I wanted to be a nurse. They cut down everything I thought I was and who I thought I could be. To this day I cannot read the e-mails because they make stomach sick. When I confronted my sister on what had written about me she told me it was my fault because those e-mails were not for me to see. I never pursed the issues . My thinking was that my job was more important. But I carry their hate for me to this day Has I write this my eyes are filled with tears.
But to get back to the story. I almost ran my carriage into to my former work "buddy". The one that had so many horrible things to say about me to my twin. The one that laughed with my sister as they made fun of me.
And she said " Hi how are you?"
I replied " I am fine" and tried move away. She then touch my arm and said "I hope things are good for you." and walked away.
And now I ponder if she meant it. And why the sudden change of heart? I don't want pity. I want people to learn from my mistakes.
Do I forgive? Is'nt that the never ending question? If I was a good person I suppose I could forgive.... That would be the easy part. The hardest part is to forget.
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